Portrait Sabine Schmitz

Traditional Chinese Medicine Practice


Sabine Schmitz


Master of Medicine (M.Med. TCM)
Zhejiang Chinese Medical University (ZCMU), Hangzhou, China
Natural health professional


Hohenstaufenring 53 (at the corner of Beethovenstraße)
50674 Cologne


Phone: 0221-16916738
Fax: 0221-16916735
E-Mail: info(at)chinamed-koeln.de

Appointments by prior agreement

If you would like to set up an appointment, please contact me at the phone number above (available on weekdays from 8 a.m. – 6 p.m.). Or send an email.

By subway

The practice is easy to reach and is located in the inner city of Cologne. Please use lines 9, 12, or 15 to station „Zülpicher Platz“ or station „Rudolfplatz“ with lines 1, 6, 7, 12, 15. From Zülpicher Platz and Rudolfplatz you can reach the practice within 3 minutes walking distance (see details on location map).

By car (parking lots)

Public parking is available directly in front of the practice and numerous parking garages are located very close to the practice.


– Parking place at the Yitzak-Rabin-Platz in front of the practice
– Parking garage Rudolfplatz, Habsburgerring 9 und
– Rewe City parking garage, Hohenstaufenring 29-37

Accessible for disabled persons! The practice can be easily reached by an elevator.